Taxes and Fines

Using government funds

Q: Is it permissible to utilize government funds (especially in such a country were Hindus are rulers and where unislamic laws are enforced) where the meat of a pig is not considered haraam. Where alcoholic substances are sold without any ban. Where Muslims are treated as downtrodden and ignorant. In such a country where all means of earning are against the principles of Islam, can we use goverment funds for construction of toilets and bathrooms in the premises of a masjid (mosque) only meant for making wudhu etc. These things can be used only during prayer times because they remain locked almost all the times and people cannot use the all the time.

Not charging tax

Q: I am a working girl. Just one month ago I started working into travel agency and according to government regulations we have to charge 1.45 % government service tax on hotels and 4.35% on completed package on the products we sale to the clients so recently have sold a complete package but while making the bill for the package my boss has told me charge only 1.45 % while the real charge is of 4.34% tax so now I wants to know whether it is right or wrong. I am just an employee there and I work for a salary but I want to know wether the salary I get will it be counted as halaal to me or not. Because every employee gets there salary from the profit which the company makes and they do their business in this way. The salary is jaaiz for me or should I leave the job?

Under declaring one's earnings

Q: My father is a business man. He suppresses his financial state to reduce income tax claims as all other businessman like him do. Many large traders often hire a lawyer who could suppress their financial state intelligently to minimize the income tax payable on their income. As we are part of this country and are required to abide to all the laws as per both religious and ethical requirements, are we committing a sin by not paying the tax on our true financial state? Our government holds right on our income and it is our obligation to pay tax. However, this is a common practice in my country.

Government taxes

Q: In a country that the government usurps the wealth of the citizens under the guise of taxes and misappropriates and plunders the coffers unlawfully. Is it permissible to manipulate business documents by lying to these thieves? Is practising ooplang also a form of lying and a sin? If I have an opinion of not paying a cent to this type of government will I be in error? You answer will be appreciated. May Allah reward you.

Registering a property on another person's name for tax reasons

Q: My father has purchased a property and is registering it on my name for his own tax reasons. I have to sign legal documents, etc. confirming my ‘ownership’ of this property. However, I will not be the actual owner of the property. I asked my father who really owns the property so that I would know for my own zakaat purposes and inheritance reasons. He replied that he owns the property (and he is thus the one paying zakaat on the rental income).

(1) Despite the property being in my name formally, who truly owns the property in Shari’ah?

(2) Who is responsible for paying zakaat on the rental income?