Taxes and Fines

Management charging an employee a fee for errors committed and distributing it in charity

Q: Is the following condition permissible ?

Contribution of R50 by the employee to a charity for any errors/mistakes at management’s discretion. "The Company" will be the representative of the employee and will handle any relating contributions.


I ______________________________, approve "The Company" as my representative to contribute R50 to a charity of their choice from my wage/salary for any errors/mistakes committed.

Not paying tax

Q: I have a trading firm in which we do billing for the government sectors for their purchases. We charge 1% for the work. Suppose if a person wants billing for 100000 then we charge 1000, which is insufficient for our firm. These people never pay us more than 1%. Most of the people do not even pay this 1%. Despite this, they give us 17% which we have to pay to the government as tax amount.

Because we cannot fulfill our expenses in that 1% which most of the people dont even pay, we utilize this 17% and dont pay to the government and provide the clients with fake receipts upon which there is no check and balance. So by doing this we get 17000 from 100000 billing. The clients just want the receipts and they have no problem whether we pay their tax to government or not. They just take the fake receipts and go. Every trader who runs firms like this, dont pay the tax and consume it. Even the clients think that these traders dont pay the tax but they have no problem with this.

Now I want to ask you that if we do not pay this tax amount and we provide people with fake receipts, is my earning totally haram? I have no other business option apart from this. We lie to customes also that your tax is paid by giving them the fake receipts. My heart is not satisfied from this earning but I dont have any other business option. Kindly guide me what should i do? Can i continue like this because everybody else who is running this business do the exact same thing. Clients dont give the commission and thats why we consume the tax amount as our earning. 

Charging a penalty for late payment

Q: Is it permissible to sell an item on terms to pay and in the receipt/agreement it is made clear that if payment is not made by a stipulated date, the person will be charged a set amount for each month in the delay of payment. Both parties sign the agreement and everything is transparent. Or is the amount to be charged to the customer for delay in payment considered riba?


Q: A police stopped a brother for speeding 91km in a 80km zone. So the brother asked him for a chance and told him that he just did some charity and if  the police could spare him. The police replied that since you just did some good deeds why not do a good deed for the police as well and give me something (money). Is that a bribe or a gift?

Asking for a bribe

Q: If someone has many subordinates (workers under him) who daily comes to him for approval of their work. Can he ask them to provide him with something to eat if they want their work to be done before others?

Paying tax

Q: The company that I work for is a foreign company so they give me gross salary every month. They do not deduct any tax from my pay. Should I pay tax or not?

Getting money from social services

Q: I have been paying taxes for 5 years close to 1200 to 1400 dollars a Month.

I got laid off and now im taking social services until I find a job because I had no savings. I get about 780 a month. I gave them my friends basement address but I live with my parents. My friend even signed the letter. The thing is the amount I get for rent, is that halaal for me or do I have to make my friend make intention of it being a girl?