
Drinking and selling alcohol


1. If you do good deeds like fasting, salah, etc. but at the same time you have a business which sells alcohol or where you work sells alcohol, would Allah accept your good deeds like fasting, salah, etc?

2. Also, is selling alcohol the same as drinking it?

3. I heard those who drink alcohol in the dunya (world) wouldn't drink wine in Jannah, does that apply to people who don't drink it but sell alcohol?

Making extra profit from orders

Q: I'd like to buy and sell items which will be imported. I won't be importing bulk but rather will advertise an item and buy it once I have an order for that particular item. I will be charged about R285 to import. So if I buy an item that costs e.g. R300 my total will be R300+R285=R585. And i'll add a profit to it. e.g.R50 which will make the item R635. I'd like to know if this is permissible Islamically? And if I have 2 orders, each will pay R635 but since the order will go in at the same time I'll end up with more than R50 profit.