
Family problems

Q: I need help. There is a big family feud between my husband's family and my brother in laws family. I feel that I am stuck in the middle. I can’t even go to my sisters house because he won’t allow it and it is the same for my sister. Could you advice me on what I can do to resolve this matter?

People congratulating one on one's birthday

Q: Before I had an idea about not celebrating birthdays, but on my first birthday in university, I gave a treat thinking that to feed someone is good, but I don't know if it's correct or wrong! Now, my second birthday is about to come and I don't know what to do if they greet me on my birthday, Alhamdulillah this year it's Sunday (I'll be on leave) but what reply must I give to the messages and phone calls from people who greet me (as I don't want to celebrate/give a treat in the name of a birthday), could you please tell me?