
Loaning someone money and asking for a profit in return

Q: Is it permissible for me to lend someone money as a personal and ask for a profit in return. (The money will be used for business - I am not asking for a profit from the business).

The profit on the loan is fixed at 10% per annum. Then another 10% is added to the outstanding balance at the end of each year until fully paid. The term is fixed for 6 months to repay the loan.

Permissible method of purchasing a car from the bank

Q: If one buys a car using the following method will it be permissible:

ABC person tells the bank to purchase the car from a dealer. A purchase & sale agreement is done between the dealer and the bank. Just say the bank buys the car for 100000 and then a purchase and sale agreement is made between the bank & I, that I purchase the car from the bank for 120000 fixed regardless of changes to the haraam interest rate. Theres 2 separate transactions. Will this type of deal be permissible?

Receiving haraam money as payment for a loan

Q: A person gave a loan from his halaal money to someone with a mostly a halaal income. Later, the person who the money was lent to took a new job in which they earn a mostly haraam income. Is it haraam for the lender to be repaid by the person he lent money to?

Will such a repayment carry any of the spiritually destructive side effects of utilizing haraam wealth? And if there is any evidence from the ulama and fuqaha on this matter, then please share because I could not find anything about this online.