
Receiving interest on a loan

Q: My friend is asking me for Rs.100 for a business and he is telling me that he will give me the money after 1 week along with 2.3% of the Rs.100, that is after 7 days he will give me Rs.116. Can I take this Rs.116 or is it haram?

Moreover he is telling me how much you give me I will give you after 7 days with 2.3% of your invested money. Please clarify, if it is halal I will proceed otherwise I will not.

Loaning money on interest

Q: Could you please explain to me what is interest, riba and usury. If one has the talent to do a halal business (by Allah) and no money, and other has money but he can't do business, the one who is giving the money to the first person for the business and asking him to give a profit of 50% and at last he should return his money. Does this come under interest/riba/usuary. If yes then how should the business situation be dealt with. What does one do if one did that, and falled in a loss.