looking around

Requesting a divorce from one's husband

Q: My husband is interested in other women. He stares at other women and he has told me that he cannot stop his eyes by staring at other women. He talks to every renter i.e. women. He makes other women sit on his bike by telling silly reasons and he even took pictures of our servant on his mobile. He texts awkward messeges to facebook girlfreinds. I made many duas in order to take him on the right path but his behaviour is not changing. Now I'm fed up with him and I cannot bear him anymore. My in law's also never take care about me. I wanted to take divorce, is it permissible?

Looking around in Salaah

Q: If a person looks around in Salaah, what will be the position of his Salaah, will it be makrooh or will it break? Kindly explain the different situations i.e. if he only turned his face to the right or left during Salaah, or he turned his chest as well, or he only looked from the corner of his eye. Will there be any difference in the ruling of the above situations if there was a need for him to look?