
Breaking the fast through masturbation

Q: I read that one has to pay kaffarah if one has intercourse during the fast. Therefore, no kaffarah if one commits the sin of masturbation. The person was unsure of the proper repentance so made the intention to pay kaffarah and fast 2 months. Sadaqah was paid to feed 10 people 2 meals for 2 months totaling $700. Having now learned that it is no longer necessary, does he still have to fast the 2 months based on his intention or would it be wrong as it is not prescribed as the expiation for his actions?

Fidyah for missed fasts

Q: Should fidyah (penalty for not fasting) be paid on behalf of a dead person who didn't fast for many years? If yes then what is the ruling of the number of years she didn't fast is not known? Detail of question is that my mother didn't fast for an unknown number of years due to negligence and because she was disabled to some extent for a long time but she was able to fast in that condition.

Qadha for not fasting

Q: I am a student aged 20 yrs old. I have missed a lot of fasts almost all during past months of ramadan except this one. With Allah's grace, I came very close to islam this year, praying regularly even the tahajjud prayer and fasting almost daily. I have read about the compensation of breaking fasts that is 60 foods for poors or 60 days fasting for 1 fast. As I am a student so I cant afford food for poor people so I fasted almost 4 months consecutively as a compensation for 2 fasts but then after some research I came to know that the compensation for fasting is only for those who "break" it by intercourse, eating e.t.c and not for those who "leave" them. For every fast a person left out of ignorance in past, he only have to fast 1 day for 1 fast. My question here is that, I have fasted 4 months with the intention (niyya) of compensation for 2 fasts but is it right that those fasts can be recorded as compensation for 4 months of fasting (1 fast for 1 day) so i have completed the compensation for 4 months of ramadan fasting that I have left in the past and not just the 2 days even if I don't have the intention of every fast to be for 1 fast i left before. 

Giving fidyah on behalf of one's deceased mother

Q: My mother passed away a couple of months aga. She did not fast for many years because she was disabled from 20 years and also because of negligence. My question is, does fidyah have to be given for the missed fasts of the deceased, even though the years she did not fast is unknown.

My second question is what is the amount of fidyah to be paid for not keeping one fast.

Making up for missed fasts

Q: I'm a convert to Islam, Alhamdulillah, a couple of years I did not fast in Ramadhan because I had really bad aneamia and I was underweight and whenever I tried to fast, I started getting sick. Weak/headaches/nausea. So I couldnt fast. Alhamdulillah my health is better now, and past Ramadhan I did fast. How should I make up for the years of missed fast?

And secondly, if someone is fasting and begins feeling sick and weak, is it allowed to break the fast without sin?

Using scented tissues and Makkah oil while fasting

Q: I have two questions:

1. During Ramadaan, while fasting I had a terrible migraine. I applied Makkah oil (green box medicine) on my forehead. Would the smell break my fast?

2. In Ramadhaan, while fasting I was in Australia. I had a running nose and used something like a Vicks scented tissue. I didn't know it was scented. Then I was confused where the smell came from so I blew my nose again. Only then I realized it was from the tissue. I think I could feel the smell going down in my nose. Is my roza accepted or must I make qadha?

Moon sighting

Q: How this moon sighting thing works in different countries? Why eid is celebrated on different days by different people of country? The Hadith says not to fast on the day of eid.. Please clarify.