
Threatening one's mother that one will divorce one's wife

Q: I want to ask a question relating to divorce. Actually I went through a certain situation of argument with my mom in front of my wife where I told my mom unintentionally that if you think I am not good with you after marriage I will divorce (talaaq) her and be good with you. But this statement was unintentional and just meant to make my mom realize that I am not changed. Whats the ruling of this?

Allegation made by the Shia

Q: I read somewhere that the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) threatened his wives to divorce and Hazrat Aisha (RA) is threatened many times with divorce in Quran. By threaten, I mean in a very severe manner. Is this true? Or is it a malicious allegation by Shia?

Threatening one's wife with talaaq

Q: Last night I had a fight with my wife and in anger I threatened her that if she countinue the same way then next time I will tell her 3 times talaq talaq talaq. Since my intention was not to give talaq, but unfortunately I said the words 3 times. I want to know whether my marriage is still valid or not. Honestly speaking I tried to threaten her and next time I will tell her. I am regretting on this since I made a big sin. 

Parents forcing one to divorce one's wife

Q: I am a male 36 years old. I was first married to my cousin 9 years ago and currently having 2 kids with her, 8 and 6 years old. Few months back I got married to a girl. This girl is from my family and is an illegitimate girl. I didn't know about her past and what zina her parents did. Her parents got married afterwards giving birth to her in 5 months after wedding. I have no issues as I believe that she is innocent and all fault goes to her parents. My parents do not agree to this marriage and are forcing me to leave her and the sole reason they are giving is because she is illegitimate. They are forcing me to a level saying to either leave her (divorce her) or leave them or they will kill themselves. I am in deep issues as I don't want to leave her in the middle of nowhere. I can fulfil rights of both the ladies as well as my kids and have offered them to keep any guarantees whatsoever.