

Q: I am looking for a good source for Haj-e-Badal. I have performed my Haj and have wish to perform Haj for my dad who is no more. I will be doing it with my money, so I believe I can do Haj-e-Tamattu also. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Q: I want to perform Hajj for the second time. Can I perform this Hajj as Hajj-e-badal for my father as he is not well since he has hypertensive, sugar and prostate problems. I have problem with a mahram. My 15 year old nephew will turn 16 soon. Can he go with me as a mahram?

Performing Hajj for a person who did not make any bequest for Hajj-e-badal

Q: My mother passed away 38 years ago. She made her niyyat to perform her hajj but she passed away before she could do it. My mother had two children from a previous marriage from which one son passed away twelve years ago without doing his hajj. Almost three years ago, my father also passed away without doing his hajj. He left a house behind which we, as his children, are in the process of selling. After selling the house, can we use the money, which is our inheritance, to pay someone to perform hajj-e-badal on behalf of my mother, father and brother?