

Q: In my dream I was in a big room that had two toilets alongside each other. I was picking up my stool in toilet paper and my husband asked me a question with regards to something of ours being paak after intercourse which we seemed to have just completed. I answered the object was clean and then he responded in annoyed tone it was not. I saw my parents neighbours walk past the windows outside (the windows were high so top half of their bodies were visible and we were sitting lower inside), and the man also answered it was not considered clean and said that was according to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Then my husband was in the other toilet alongside me, almost lying on his back talking to me. I seemed annoyed at the lack of privacy for us in the toilet. I have had other different dreamt of toilets and stool vividly a few times in last 5/6 years. If the dream is negative how do I ward off any bad to come.

Dream after making istikhara to relocate

Q: I was living and working in Muscat with my daughter before coming to the US. We are not happy here and plan to go back to Muscat but want to make istikhara. So my 16 year old daughter did istakhara regarding our relocation to Muscat from USA asking if Muscat is good for us and she got a dream in which she is sitting on a wheelchair pushed by some lady touring a school. Also she saw a small water pool with whales and sharks swimming in the pool and my daughter is feeding the whales small turtles. No sharks are attacking my daughter. I also saw a dream in istakahra same regarding my relocation to Muscat from USA. It shows one of my husband's uncle who was in US but now left for Pakistan where he stays permanently. He takes me to show a new house he bought and I told him it was the exact same location where he was living before in Pakistan but just small. He said he bought the new house at the same place because they are familiar with this place and so everything is known to them.


Q: I saw in a dream that my mother will die on the second of Ramadhaan, although she is alive she recently after that dream had a check up with the doctor and found that she had stones in her kidney. What does this mean?


Q: I had two dreams in two different days but during dawn time.

1) I saw one of my friends telling me to open a coffin. One person in the coffin would be the one who would actually die (the person in the coffin is actually alive in the world). I saw my 2 months old son in it.

2) I saw my uncle (who is not a physician) checking my two months old son and telling me that my son's liver and kidney is not healthy or damaged (cannot remember the exact word). I was getting ready to take my son to the hospital. Could you please explain the meaning of these two dreams. I am really worried. I keep on making a lot of oaths and promises about my family member. I know it's haram and bad. I get carried away when making these promises and oaths and later feel guilty. Please advise what should I do.


Q: My father yesterday woke up really anxious after seeing a dream about me. According to him he saw me riding a car already boarded by Hindus and the Muslims of my community (along with my father pleaded with me to come back). Meanwhile they threw a blanket upon the car and I got out along with a nude girl from the car and fled towards the jungle. My father chased me to the jungle and repents for having this utter disgrace caused to him. Please interpret it ASAP. I am really worried.


Q: I saw my dad's best friend planting trees inside our home (in every room). What does it imply to?


Q: My father who has recently passed away. I saw him in my dream. I was giving him ice cream and sweet paan to eat. What does this mean?


Q: I have a dream that I had maggots in my forearm, just below the veins of my right wrist. Two maggots came out but some remained. Another time I dreamt I saw a very large maggot with hundreds of smaller ones inside it wriggling and trying to break out. Please could someone kindly give me an interpretation as I've seen this type of insect twice now.


Q: Can you tell me how a person knows if the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has come in their dream? A few weeks ago I dreamt I was in a shopping mall and I saw a man smiling at me, I turned to my friend and said"oh look Huzur Pak is there"now I keep wondering if I really did see the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or was it just my mind playing tricks.