

Q: Insha-Allah, if my following dream can please be interpreted: There was a very long and dangerous brown snake moving about in front of our house. I was not very alarmed and casually informed my mother. I went to my room and performed Zohr Salaah. I came out the room and realized my father had killed the snake. I was surprised as I heard no commotion or gunshots. I went into the kitchen where the snake was sprawled dead on the table. My parents were present. The snake very thick and large. Maybe around 30 cm. My father firstly chopped off the head to dispose, and then began cutting the rest of the snake up into large pieces as one would do with meat. It was a slightly bloody scene. He said that it was for our own consumption and for feeding his dogs. I cautioned him saying that I think this is carrion and thus impermissible to eat as he shot the snake with his gun. My mother addressed a similar concern. Thereafter, I repeatedly stated that I think it is carrion. Lastly, I added that I think eating this snake may be permissible in the Maliki Madhab, but not for us. The dream then ended.


Q: Sir one of my friends have seen me in a dream. He saw that he came to meet me in my shop office. He is saw an unknown extremely beautiful and shy girl, with white duppata covering her head behind me in another room. He has never seen such a beautiful face in his life. He saw that girl and was thinking about me that why I am not seeing that girl (mera bilkul tawajju os ladki par nahi hai). Girl was looking at my friend but in modesty and shy way, (sarm aur haya ke sath). My friend could only see the face of that girl. Suddenly the location changed to his village highway, but he saw me and that girl in the same way and there is a flag in green colour with moon and star sign on flag on our office or somebody elses house rooftop. He is seeing this and thinking why I have kept that flag as it is mostly kept by our barellewi muslims. He saw these dreams twice in the same night, once at 3.30 am and next before fajar salah. He was awoken by these dreams.


Q: My best friend saw a dream about me last Saturday night (i.e. after Friday finished and Saturday started most probably before fajar time) she told me this way, that I saw you have got a job in in a certain group (where my friend is already working) and you were working on my floor. Then I saw that we both were sitting on a bench and you were crying and told me that someone has died in your family and I also started crying with you and started sweating and suddenly I woke up.


Q: I saw a dream that I was standing either on the sea shore or river bank. I am not sure. The water was very calm and did not have big waves. On the shore there was a white bird with a bit of black on it's neck. It was sitting on a big white egg that was about the same size as the bird itself. At a distance there was another bird that was full white and did not have an egg. I looked at the bird sitting on the egg and said "Allah will give me Jannat in this world and the Jannat in the Aakhirat will be even better". 1) Is this a true dream and what does it mean? 2) In reality I am experiencing a lot off hardship in life, is this a glad tiding that Allah Ta'ala will grant me ease later in life? 3)What do the bird and egg represent?


Q: I have seen that my mother has died and then alive. My wife also seen the same dream about my mother.


Q: I had a dream whereupon my family and I were being surrounded vicious dogs. We eventually tried running away when one leapt and tried attacking me. I however killed it by actually tearing it's mouth apart. It was more of a nightmare since I'm afraid of them. Can mufti Saab perhaps interpret this dream for me? And also, indicate whether I should be concerned or should I simply ignore it?


Q: A while back Mufti Saheb interpreted the following dream to mean that Allah will bless me with a pious spouse. I saw a dream in which I was sitting in a bathtub in a house and I think I was shaving my pubic hair but I am not sure. I was married but did not see my wife yet. My Grandmother then said Everyone please leave so I can go to my wife. They left and I went into the bedroom (I was fully dressed now), opened the cupboard, took out a topi and put it on my head. Just then, my wife in the dream who I just got married to came in. Her upper front teeth were really big and extremely white. I looked at her shoulder and said to myself "I think she is an Arab" or "She looks like an Arab", I am not sure which of the two statements I said. Then I asked her a few questions (Her upper front teeth were now looking normal). I asked her how she would treat her husband. I can't remember what she said, but I liked her answer and it made me very happy. I then asked "Are you an Aalima?" and she said "No". Just then "Allah" was being written in Arabic on the wall next to her, but there was nobody writing it. 1) Does it mean that she will be an Arab woman as mentioned in the dream? I need to know so that when I go see women for marriage I will look for an Arab Woman only. 2) If not, then what does her being an Arab or looking like an Arab mean?



1. I made istikhara to start a small business. I saw a Dastarkhwan in my dreams. Everybody has one Dastarkhwan on their head. I had two dastarkhwaans.

2. My sister saw in her Dream that I have a cockroach on my foot and which my sister tries to kill it but the cockroach flies and comeback and sits again on my foot. Please answer these two dreams.


Q: I have seen one dream repeatedly in my life. I saw that my teeth from my lower jaw are broken up one by one. I am not in pain, no blood is coming out. Only they are de attaching from the jaw and as they are de attaching I am feeling more worried. All broken teeth remain inside my mouth and I feel a saltish taste. When I wake up from the dream I consciously check my teeth if they are intact. So they are there Alhumdulillah, but I still can feel the saltish taste. I have seen this dream many times in my life after various intervals. Intervals are years. Now I am conscious that what is it indicating? I should seek spiritual help.