
Urine drops while performing saee

Q: I have illness of urine drops and I am in umrah. During umrah, after I completed my tawaaf and went to saee, I feel drops come out on my ihraam. After I completed 1 round of saee, I went to the washroom to wash my ihraam. I made wuzu and again went for saee and started again from my second round and completed it. Is my saee valid?

Doing sa'ee on a wheelchair


1. Zaid is unable to do 7 circuits Sai of Safa Marwa walking in one go due to sickness (arthritis) but is able to do half a circuit or one circuit daily. Is there any penalty if Zaid does 7 circuits of Sai in one go sitting on a wheelchair?

2. In the above situation Zaid did complete Sai of Safa Marwa sitting on a wheelchair last year is there any penalty?

3. If penalty is compulsory and Zaid goes for Umrah again this year, does Qadha of the Sai of Safa Marwa, will the penalty fall off?

Making five and a half rounds of sa'ee due to illness

Q: A person went to perform Hajj from Chennai in a situation when doctors advised not to go for hajj as she has back bone disc problem. Any how she arrived for hajj. While performing saee, at safa marwa, only five and half rounds were completed and the remaining two rounds were not performed. What is the ruling , is the hajj valid without umrah being completed. Is sacrifice wajib as penalty - please advise.