
Marital problems

Q: My husband is having an affair with,a cheap evil white woman. I caught them twice. He is a doctor and feels he can get away with anything.he feels he can punish, me, because I found out about them.he walks around with arrogance, and pride that he is not answerable to anyone. Question is, I have given this my marriage my all. I am consumed by the injustice of it all, and consumed by revenge. I am praying Allah brings this man down,humiliates him,and, makes him regret,for destroying so much, and doing zinna. He has lost his Emaan,and still so proud. Problem, is, I can't wait for him, to be punished, because Iam hurting so so much.

Mother involved in a haraam relationship

Q: One of my friends has a very serious issue at home. His mother is having a relationship with a man for the last 10 years. She is still married to my friends father. The whole family knows about the mothers relationship with this man, even her husband knows. My friend tried talking to his family but no one wants to resolve this matter. He is very worried and his mother is still having a relationship with this man. He took all possible steps to resolve the issue but nothing happened. Kindly explain what he should do now? Can he break all relations with his mother and leave all of them?

Knowledge of the unseen

Q: I am asking this question on behalf of a friend. He wants to know if there is any dua that can be read to find out if his wife is having an affair with her sisters husband. How can one see if they are still having sexual intercourse whenever she goes for holiday to her sisters house?

Marital problems

Q: My husband has been having an affair with a Hindu married woman. This affair is going on for a while now and she travels alot. He has changed and hits me and denies it. He even threw me out but doesn't want to break this haraam relationship. I have a son 11 years old and we are married for 20 years. I need a dua to destroy this enemy.

Mother having an affair

Q: My mom had an affair...please help...I belong to a pretty religious family...We family members love eachother alot...we have heart to heart connection...but we are facing money problems from alot of time as my father dont undrstand about my mother's and his daughters daily needs. My mom starting borrowing money from people.. I agree my father is irresponsible towards our financial needs but he is a very good father and husband.. He loves my mom alot and he doesn't have any bad habbits...but he doesn't give her enough of money and he mistreated her verbally..he doesn't give her enough money because we have alot of financial problems .. my mom and dad have suffered mom strived hard to be a good wife but the situation became worst when we had no money and she had to borrow money from a man...whom she loved before time passed she started texting and meeting him and they fell in love again...she now loves him alott...The relationship might be sexual too...but my mom is very religious and cries alot during namaz and loves my father too..but i just cant accept that my mom is having this kind of relationship with someone..It makes me cry everytime..It feels so bad to see her doing all this harram heart breaks...I am not able to tolerate it father trust's her alot...but she doesn't find enough of love in him...So she started falling for that man again...I don't know how to face all this anymore..if I ask her, all she says is that he is her friend...and the thing is I cant even force her or tell her about it..because she loves that man alot and she might even try to harm herself if something happens as she has suffered alot about this money problem, debts and all....What should I do?