Killing insects in the state of ihraam
Q: Is it permissible for one in the state of ihraam to kill spiders, crickets, and other similar insects?
Q: Is it permissible for one in the state of ihraam to kill spiders, crickets, and other similar insects?
Q: Is it permissible to take shade with an umbrella while in ihraam?
Q: Can a male in ihraam cover his ears and neck?
Q: I’m a male and suffer from male pattern baldness. As a result I’m wearing a wig to only cover the top part of my head, the rest of my hair is my own.
1. Am I allowed to wear the wig while I perform Umrah?
2. If not, and I continue wearing it do I have to pay dumm?
3. How much is the dumm and what do I need to do?
Q: I am traveling to Musjid Al Aqsa and intend to make niyyat and wear ihraam from there to perform my umrah.
Can I vape while in Ihraam due to the lengthy time as it will be about 20 hours?
Q: Can a hernia patient wear underwear in ihraam?
Q: My father has a small problem with old age and urine drops. He says straight after he goes to the toilet, about 5 or 10 mins after, he has some trouble with few drops. Then it subsides.
He usually uses tissue with his underwear for a few minutes after going to the bathroom in case any drops come out and then discards it a short while later.
He's concerned with ihraam and how would he manage.
What would be suggested? Is there an option to wear underwear and pay damm? Or is there any alternative.
Q: Is it permissible to scent the ihraam towel before entering into the state of ihraam?
Q: My hair is very thin, especially my beard hair. If I make wudhu and do khilaal, then sometimes, few hairs fall off.
I'm planning to do umrah inshallah. My question is that if I am in the state of ihraam and hair falls off accidentally while making wudhu etc., not on purpose, then will there be damm or anything necessary?