Correcting the Imaam

Correcting the Imaam in fardh Salaah

Q: What is the correct procedure when a Hanafi imam makes mistakes or gets stuck during qiraat of the fardh salaah? It occurs often with our imam reciting his weak portions in our fardh salaahs with many times him repeating the same aayat 6/7 times as he cannot continue. Are we allowed to correct? Or should he proceed into ruku? Even if someone does correct he tends to need the same lukhmah a few times before continuing.

Correcting the imaam

Q: What is the condition of the salaah if the imam makes the following mistakes

1. In takbeer the kaaf is read with a kasra

2. In fatiha, the laam of Alhamdu is read with a fatha

3. In Tasmee the meem of samia is pulled a little

4. In the last Ayah of surah nasr, the word rabb is omitted thus reading: bihamdika

Correcting the Imaam

Q: Please can you advise what should the followers do if an Imam

1. Reads an extra rakaat in salaah and they are aware of this?

2. Should they correct him (if so please advise how) or remain silent?

3. does the namaaz have to be repeated?

4. Misses a ruku or sajdah?

Correcting the Imaam in fardh Salaah

Q: Is it permissible to correct the imaam during the qiraat in fardh salaah:

  1. If the imaam makes a mistake which changes the meaning of Quraan?
  2. Imaam jumps to another ayaat and realises this. So the Imaam starts at the beginning of the ayaat and still does not get it right?
  3. Imaam gets stuck during recitation?

​Please explain also in respect to the 3 ayaats being read at this point and also if not?