
Hadith related questions


1. Can you give me a dua for protection from hypocrisy (nifaq) and disbelief (kufr). I found the dua for them myself but I don't know if they are genuine or not.

2. Ss this dua genuine "Allaahumma inni as’aluka al-Firdaws al-A‘la min al-Jannah"?

3. I red hadith that out of 100 only 1 will enter Jannah and rest 99 will enter hellfire, does this means most or vast majority of people will have no chance of entering Jannah?

4. If someone tried to seduce some people using techniques but now he realised he made mistake, what does he needs to do to get his sin forgiven?

Showing respect to the Hadith

Q: I am really worried. I was talking to a friend and we were arguing on something. He said if you leave it for 40 days you will forget it. Get used to not having it (at that time I didn't have it in mind that it's a hadith). Then he said it's a hadith and we were in argument and I said I know it's a hadith and I said don't put hadith into worldly matters. Since then I am worried that may be I denied a haidth unintentionally. I need your guidance.

Disobeying the Ameer

Q: For a person to be an ameer, does there need to be an Imaam? i.e its mentioned in the hadith ومن يعص الأمير فقد عصاني so for a person to be an ameer which is meant in the hadith does there need to be an imaam?

Pleasing one's husband

Q: Please advice are these Ahaadith authentic? Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said when making love, do not walk away until you taste her water and she also tastes your water. Meaning you both reach orgasm. Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, when a wife engages in something or beautifies herself to attract her husband, inviting him to bed shall be given 10 rewards, 10 sins wiped and her daraja will be raised.

Story of Laila bint Ajmaa

Q: My question is, is there any story in the history of Islam about laila bint ajmaa that she swore that if her slave don't divorce his wife then she will be yahoodi or esayi and her wealth will be free for Allah and all her slaves will be free. After this she went to Umme Aaisha and asked her about this. Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha) replied that do kaffara of yamin and then she went to Ibn Umar and he also reprimanded her that fear Allah and do kaffara of yamin. Is this story valid or saheeh or hassan or daeef?

Committing sins


1) I heard many times from many people that if you satisfy your sinful desires in this world like drinking wine, wearing silk etc, these desires will be taken out from you in Jannah, is that true?

2) I thought even if you commit sinful acts or desires like drinking wine, wearing silk, if you repent you are forgiven so if you repent would Allah still take away these desires from you?

3) What worries me that if I drank wine, wore silk clothes, ate on gold plates etc I wouldn't do these things in jannah (paradise), if I committed those things, if I repent would that be enough?

4) Does Allah forgives sins if you repent without namaaz?or you have to pray namaaz to get your sins forgiven of drinking wine, wearing silk clothes?