
Studying Deen independently

Q: Is it permissible to seek knowledge about Deen on the internet and have it verified by a scholar of Deen via WhatsApp or email? I'm in contact with shia and salafi scholars, each one of them says the others Hadeeths are weak and not to be trusted. However I do my own research but I don't know amongst the two who is correct. I listen to many of Mufti Menk lectures and Dr Naik and I learn a lot from them alhudulillah but I still do my research on internet. Because I don't know the scholars around here are maybe misguided. Please advise me. 

Explanation of a Hadith

Q: Is this hadeeth saheeh, and what does it mean: “Do not write anything from me, and whoever writes anything but the Qur’aan, let him erase it”? Also Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) at one point was not sure whether to keep what he knows of hadiths or not. He had collected 500 hadiths during very long companionship with the prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), but he could not sleep the night until he burned them”. Could you please explain this to me.

Using dhaeef Ahaadeeth for fazaail


1. Mufti Rasheed Ahmad sahab has written in Ahsan ul Fatawa (Vol. 10 Page 121-126) that weak/zaeef Ahadeeth should not be used even for narrating virtues. Whereas the rest of the ulama allow the use of weak Ahadeeth for virtues. Is the opinion of Mufti Rasheed Ahmad sahab his lone opinion, or do some other renowned ulama also share this opinion? If yes, can you name one or two Ulama please.

2. Was Mufti Rasheed Ahmad sahab also opposed to the Fazail-e-Amaal of Shaykh Zakariya, considering that it also contains weak narrations?

Hadith question

Q: During the time of the Sahaba there was a girl who's husband had gone out for a few days and asked her not to leave the house. During those few days, the girl's father was sick and she really wanted to see him but had no contact with her husband to ask his permission. Eventually her father passed away and she didn't even attend his funeral as she couldn't disobey her husband's orders. She later found out that her father was doomed to Jahannum but because of her act of obeying her husband, her father was granted Jannah. Is this story true? What is the full story? Would it be a sin to tell anybody this story if it is not authentic?

A person who rejects the Ahaadith

Q: My best friend who is elder than me (age approx 35) was normal person and use to pray and believe in Quran & Sunnah. He also performed ummrah this year with his family. Last week I meet him and he discussed few things with me on religion which made me surprised. He believes in Quran and everything Quran says. He believes in our Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) but does not believes in the Ahaadith which are mentioned in different books. As per him, Holy Quran Says right and is a complete book (thats true) but he says ahadees are manipulation by human beings and challenge authenticity of Ahadees. Also he do not believe in praying Salah five times because number of Salah and ways of offering Salah is not mentioned in QURAN. Also he belief Salaah means being close to Allah Ta'ala and do good acts. Also he disrespect different books of Ahadees and (ALLAH TALLAH for give me ) says why DAROOD SHAREEF is not in QURAN which is a complete book and says, DAROOD SHAREF is human made (NO DOUBTS HE COMPLETELY BELIEVES EVERYTHING WRITTEN IN QURAN AND HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) IS OUR LAST PROPHET) After knowing his thoughts I am scared if my friend is loosing right path. Also if his thinking and actions can lead him out of Islam. Please tell me the easiest way to bring him back since I am also not a very practising and educated Muslim so I am facing difficulties to do the right thing.