
Authentication of a Hadith

Q: Kindly inform me if the following is authentic : In a Hadith Qudsi, Allah Almighty says: O son of Adam, do not fear those who have authority over you as long as My authority is enduring, and My authority never runs out. O son of Adam, do not be afraid of a tight livelihood when My treasuries are full and My treasuries never run out. O son of Adam, do not ask anybody else except Me and I am yours, and when you ask Me you find Me; but if you ignore Me, I will turn away from you, and you will miss the whole good. O son of Adam, I have created you to worship Me, not to play, and I ensured your sustenance so that you do not torment yourself (by worrying about it — let the physical parts of your body work but your heart and mind be in peace by putting your trust in God). I swear in My Power and Might, if you’re satisfied with what I apportioned for you, I will give your mind and body peace, but if you will not be satisfied with what I apportioned for you, I swear in My Power and Might, I will make you run after the world like the beasts run in the wild, then you will have nothing except what I had apportioned to you, and you have been disgraced. O son of Adam, the creation of the seven heavens and the earth did not fatigue Me, will passing you a loaf of bread cause Me to tire. O son of Adam, I did not forget whoever disobeys Me; how will I forget whoever obeys Me, and I am a Merciful Lord, and I have power over all things? O son of Adam, do not ask Me the sustenance of tomorrow as I did not ask you the work of tomorrow. O son of Adam, I love you so it is My Right that you love Me.

Drinking from a bottle

Q: Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) say that if you drink from a bottle or a container, you will get poor. e.g. If I am the only one going to be drinking from a 2 liter bottle and no one is going to be drinking after me, is this a hadith?

Translating the Hadith incorrectly

Q: I came across a hadith muttafaqun alay about the slandering on Ayesha (Radhiyallahu Anha), after that it was said that the behaviour of Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) towards Ayesha (Radhiyallahu Anha) changed and he used to say 'how is that one?' which hurts Ayesha (Radhiyallahu Anha) very much, when she didn't know about her accusation.

Can you please explain to me why would Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) have uttered these statement and what does it really mean? It is confusing me very much.

Hadith verification

Q: I just wanted to know the actual hadith and the reference. They were both in regards to the ummah being forgiven.

1st Hadith more or less - our Beloved Master Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was travelling and near the outskirts of Madina made dua 3 times and fell into sujood 3 times - was informed each time 1/3 of the ummah was forgiven each time.

2nd Hadith, the Beloved Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was told He would be very pleased with how Allah Ta'ala will treat the ummah on that day.

Ayk hadith ki sihhat ke baare me sawaal

Q: Kia ye hadees sahi hy?

Anas (Radhiyallahu Anhu) sy riwayat hy k ek shaks ne pocha ya Rasool Allah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasalam) mera baap kahan hy aap ne farmaya dozakh mai. Jab wo peth mor kr chala to aap ne is ko bolwaya or farmaya k mera baap or tera baap dono jahanum mai hain. Saheeh Muslim, jild 1, hadees #500 baab: jo shakhs kufr pr mary wo jahanum mai jay ga.

Verification of a Hadith

Q: Can you please tell me about the dua here and if it is found in any trusted hadith or in Quran -

Allaahumma yaa Raabba Ibraahemaa yaa Moasa wa rabba Ishaaqa wa Yaaqooba wa Rabba Jibreela wa Rabba Mikaàeela waa Rabba Israafeela wa Rabba munaz zilut Tawraata wal Injeela waz Zaboora wal Furqaanal Aazeem arini fi manaami ma fihil khaairaatu.

And also the meaning of this line Nabba aniyaal Aaleemul khabeer. Thank you and may Allah bless you. If it is bad or misleading please also tell.

Doubts regarding a Hadith

Q: I have a question. There is a hadith that a sinful woman got Jannah because she quenched a dog's thirst. Now my question is today, so many kafir people are donating money and we heard about the hardwork of Florance nightingale and Mother Teresa. What about them? We didn't hear that she used to worship Allah or repent. So what is the objective of this hadith? Even if someone is kafir or dont pray would they have hope to get Jannah?