
Imaam being appointed as the wakeel of the girl

Q: Due to certain circumstances my daughter and I have had little contact. In December she told me she want to get married and that she would like if I will be her wakheel to give her off on her wedding day. They were going to come see me to finalise everything. I was not contacted again till a few days before the wedding by her mother asking if I was still going to give her off. I responded by saying nobody asked me for her to get married. The mother answered that I never had time for the daughter and that I don't have any rights over the daughter. I then said that she must then go to her Imaam and make him her wakheel. They then got married. Is this the correct way? Is her marriage halaal?

Urine drops

Q: One of my brothers in the Masjid had his Prostate removed and as such he has a dripping problem. Meaning he leaks and he has to wear a Pad. What is the condition of his Salaah. Secondly, can he lead his wife in Salaah?