
Sincerity in actions

Q: I have a problem with sincerity. No matter how much I try to purify an intention for an action whilst I am doing it, I think: if only so and so could see me now. They would think so highly of me which deprives me of the reward. What can I do to ensure ikhlaas and stop desiring the praise and attention of people because love for fame is a disastrous thing?

Attaining closeness to Allah Ta'ala

Q: Recently alhumdulillah I was blessed with the opportunity of reading the kitaab of Moulana Hakim Akhtar Saheb rahmathullahi alayh titled "life of piety". In this kitaab moulana discusses the fact that Allah mentions sin before taqwa because curbing ones desires leads to taqwa and if a person has no desires he can never become pious.

As a young Muslim alhumdullillah I am not involved in major wrong but I feel there is something wrong with me that I dont have a great desire to sin. I dont feel inclined to watch tv so often I mean I can abstain. I cannot handle the thought of music and I'm not so attracted to the opposite gender that it makes me fall into zina. I dont like visiting places of haraam and neither do I have major social media platforms.

Does this mean I can never attain closeness to Allah or "crush my desires". I do make dua that Allah grants me a hatred for sins but is this something strange in me?

Choosing a silsila for bay'at

Q: How is the Naqshbandi Owasia silsila for bay'at e tasawwuf? The current sheikh is Abdul Kadir Awan MZA who is the son of Hazrat Ameer Akram Awan ra.

This silsila claims that

- A Sheikh e kamil must able to take you in the court of Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and make Ruhani bay'at with Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

- This silsila is the only true silsila who is connected to darbar e nabawi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

- They claim to get benefit from a person in barzakh and the grave.

How is this silsila for bay'at? 

Women pledging bay'at to a Shaikh


1. What is the method of women pledging bay'at at the hands of a Shaikh? Should it be done in the way males place their hands in the hands of the Shaikh, or should it be verbal? Can it be over the phone or via email?

2. What is the Shar'ee method of a female mureed communicating with her Shaikh? Should she phone and give her halaat or email the Shaikh directly without the medium of her husband or father, mahram, etc.?

3. Many a times, a woman needs to communicate with the Shaikh and seek guidance in regard to marital issues which she does not want her husband to know about as it may relate to some of his weaknesses. In this case, can she email the Shaikh, informing him of her marital condition and problems without the medium of her husband?

4. Many female mureeds become casual with the Shaikh, thereby leading to lustful feelings and wrong thoughts being created in the hearts. Should there be a degree of purdah observed between the female mureeds and the Shaikh?

5. Often, female mureeds travel by car on their own to attend the majaalis of their Shaikh. Is this correct?

6. Apart from the above, can Hazrat give some naseehat in regard to the above maslah of females bay'at.

Spiritual exercises

Q: I wanted to know that when there is spirituality and Allah's qurb in all religions of the world including Islam then does that mean that all religions are true and all from Allah? I got to know that Mysticism and Spirituality are found in almost all major religions of the world, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Taosim, Buddhism, etc. Does that mean that all religions ultimately lead to God? Allah says in the Quran "If you are thankful I will increase in you". Today non Muslims are practicing gratitude and it works for them also. 

Method of seeking guidance

Q: From many years, I had lost tarteeb (organisation) in every work. I feel like somebody is running after me. From eating to studying, working to driving, etc., in every field I have lost tarteeb. As a result, I leave every work midway. Kindly give me some advice.