
Calling oneself a kaafir

Q: I want to ask, I'm a Muslim wife and in the state of anger I committed a sin...Me and my husband used to fight everyday in the start of our marriage. One day I got frustrated and in the state of extrme anger I said why Allah did this to me... I'm angry with Allah... and from now I'm not a Muslim... I'm kafir etc... but I was very angry at that moment but after that I realised how could I do this... I'm a true Muslim and perform salaah 5 times a day... I made taubah to Allah for that sin committed in anger and promised him not to do it again... Kindly let me know if this will affect my marriage.

Do any of the following statements and actions constitute kufr?

Q: Do any of the following statements and actions constitute kufr:

1. One's mother walks into the room to pray, and you tell her to go pray somewhere else (or go pray in another room) because you're watching something on your computer.

2. Committing sinful acts (like watching pornography, masturbation, listening to music) in the same room where the Holy Qur'an is kept, and other Islamic books and literature is kept (like books of Durood Shareef).

3. Someone says that the Old Testament is barbaric and harsh, and one nods and smiles in agreement.

A person who rejects the Ahaadith

Q: My best friend who is elder than me (age approx 35) was normal person and use to pray and believe in Quran & Sunnah. He also performed ummrah this year with his family. Last week I meet him and he discussed few things with me on religion which made me surprised. He believes in Quran and everything Quran says. He believes in our Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) but does not believes in the Ahaadith which are mentioned in different books. As per him, Holy Quran Says right and is a complete book (thats true) but he says ahadees are manipulation by human beings and challenge authenticity of Ahadees. Also he do not believe in praying Salah five times because number of Salah and ways of offering Salah is not mentioned in QURAN. Also he belief Salaah means being close to Allah Ta'ala and do good acts. Also he disrespect different books of Ahadees and (ALLAH TALLAH for give me ) says why DAROOD SHAREEF is not in QURAN which is a complete book and says, DAROOD SHAREF is human made (NO DOUBTS HE COMPLETELY BELIEVES EVERYTHING WRITTEN IN QURAN AND HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) IS OUR LAST PROPHET) After knowing his thoughts I am scared if my friend is loosing right path. Also if his thinking and actions can lead him out of Islam. Please tell me the easiest way to bring him back since I am also not a very practising and educated Muslim so I am facing difficulties to do the right thing.