
Rejecting abrogated Surahs

Q: What is the ruling on a Muslim who categorically denies the abrogated Surahs, Al Kahl and Al Hafd? They reject them as never being revealed upon our beloved prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). They also deny that they meet the Quranic Arabic criteria and say they are poor in literary. Audhubillah min al shaitan nir rajeem!

Attending Hindu festivals

Q: I am a converted Muslim. My parents are Hindu. I face problems from my family's side whenever a festival comes. I want to know that up to what extent I can cooperate with them being a Muslim? On rakshabandhan can I tie rakhi and tilak for my brother?

School prayer

Q: I am an educator at a government school and I am required to do the school assembly on occasions and entails me reading the school prayer which is basic but starts by saying "father we thank thee...." I have declined to say the prayer but they want to know on what basis because all the other teachers from different religions say it and according to them it's not a Christian but universal prayer. What explanation can I give them to say that I cannot say the school prayer during assembly?

Doubts regarding kufr

Q: I know someone who has bad thoughts, that he does not want, but they keep coming back and now he is confused about a particular situation. He had bad thoughts and he did not intend to say anything, but he worries because when he exhaled he thinks he heard part of the bad thoughts come from his mouth or like a motion on the tongue or he said part of it under his breath without wanting to say that. So the question is : If somebody has a thought of kufr and they said part of it or all of it without intending to or wanting to and they are angered by it, does this count as kufr?