
Rejecting a fardh of Deen

Q: My question is that I know in lslam if someone rejects any fardh of Deen then he is no longer a Mu'min, he will become a kaafir. So I ask you how many faraaidh are there in Islam? Can we have a count of them? Can we have a list of them as well, so that we can save ourselves.


Q: I have read a lot about the new religion followed during the time of King Akbar called Din I Illahi. Do you agree to the things mentioned in Din I Illahi as it was derived from all the religions?

Will a person come out of the fold of Islam by committing sin?


  1. I just want to be clear about this, if you do haraam things like receive interest from a bank, drink alcohol etc but consider them haraam, so if you consider haraam things to be haraam but still you do them, would you come out of the fold of Islam?
  2. A Hadith said with people little amount of Imaan will come out from hell but as far as I know Quran doesn't says people will come out from hell. Qur'an says those who enter hell will remain in it forever. So will those people be in hell forever and is above hadith correct?

Necklace that has a design of a cross

Q: There is a brother who is now reverted toIslam for 5 months. Few years ago when his mother died, he got from his mother a necklace with a Christian cross as heritage. And he promised his mother to that he also will give it away to his children as heritage. Now as he has reverted to Islam, what he has to do with the necklace? Currently he is keeping it in his house in a box. Can he keep this and give it later to his children. The necklace is a heritage piece which is over 200 years in the family.

Repenting from kufr and shirk

Q: If a Muslim did kufr and shirk i.e. sins which put him out of the fold of Islam, then how can he come back into the fold of Islam? Also if he has done numerous other types of major sins, then what is the procedure so that Allah Ta'ala will accept his repentance? Please explain in detail.

Wife denying the husband the right to take another wife

Q: If wife and husband have argue about marrying more than 1 wife, and the husband says are you going to deny that it is aloud to have more than 1 wife, and the wife says "yes, I deny that", does the wife fall in kufr by denying this? Also is the marriage contract between the husband and wife annulled? Who's responsibility is it to get the marriage contract renewed?