
Were the Sabeans Muslims?

Q: I read this on the internet about the Sabeans: In brief, they did not reject the Prophets or regard it as obligatory to follow them. In their view, whoever followed (the Prophets) is blessed and saved, and whoever follows a path similar to that of the Prophets by virtue of his own reasoning is also blessed and saved, even if he did not follow the Prophets in specific terms. In their view, the call of the Prophets was true but there was no one specific route to salvation. Isn’t it all kufr? Also was a specific prophet sent to them?

Forwarding a video on conversion to Christianity

Q: I came across a video on facebook in which a Hindu woman was converting to Christianity. It was a ritual, some words were exchanged between the priest and the woman and then he baptised her. I forwarded this clip to many people in my contact list with no intention to inspire anyone to convert to Christianity (ma'aaz Allah) nor did I intend to promote Christianity, it was purely out of curiosity and sharing knowledge. What does Quran and Hadith say about this?

Questioning Allah Ta'ala's decisions

Q: One of my Hindu friends asked how God decides if someone will be wealthy and others will be poor. Similarly, how will someone be born healthy and others disabled. etc. Is this decision randomly made by God or is there some logic behind it? I understand this life is a test but why do some people have relatively easy tests and others really hard tests?

Renewing one's Imaan

Q: I recently discovered that some of my past actions were kufr and I sent some messages containing shirk. I have sincerely repented and vowed never to do them again. I made a general taubah regarding all my past actions then recited kalimah.

1. I would like to ask if it is necessary to repent specifically for each action as all I have thought about since is remembering specific kalimat I said. Do I need to do tajdeed e iman again if I remember those past actions after making general taubah?

2. Also do I need to perform ghusl after tajdeed e iman?

3. Can tajdeed e iman be made whenn one is junub.

4. What about my prayers that I said while not realising my kufr?