
Thoughts of kufr

Q: I live in Iran and I have problem with my life. Sometimes when I am playing games or prayer I always say bad words at Allah in my heart. I don't know what's wrong with me and I don't want to say things like that but it always happens... I'm scared because I am feeling like I'm a kafir by saying bad words at Allah. What should I do now? Am I a kafir?

Fear of husband making kufr statements

Q: My husband is depressed because he is with his father in his buisness and his father does some haraam dealings. He doesnt want to be left with the haraam business after his father dies but doesnt know what else to do. In a depressing state about the situation he made comments such as:

This is a lesson I dont deserve

Theres no hope, I'm forced into doing wrong

I'm not a bad person

And a few others where he is basically saying that he doesn't deserve what he is getting. Is the above comments kufar?

Rejecting the Sunnat of Nikaah

Q: There's a thing that is bothering me so much. A friend of mine hates marriage. Once there was a chart in my college that listed the sunnahs of Ambiya, one of them was nikah. She didn't believe that it was a sunnah, we told her that it was. Afterwards she jokingly said that she will cut this off the chart. Is this kufr? If this is indeed kufr and takes her out of the fold of Islam, she is going to be super offended and likely to throw a tantrum because nowadays people don't even know things that are kufr. How do I explain this to her?

Doing magic on oneself

Q: I have a question about magic and attempting to use it or even having another black magician do certain magic on myself. I know this is a form of shirk and engaging in magic takes a person outside the fold of Islam. Does this mean I am no longer a Muslim and is it something that can be forgiven? What do I need to do? 

Doubts regarding kufr

Q: Does saying words like 'I knew this would happen' or 'they knew she would say that' considered kufr? What about if the one who says this says it just as a prediction, and does not intend to mean that they have knowledge of the unseen?