
Nikaah in the state of janaabat

Q: I had zina with a girl (both of us are unmarried) right 1 hour before our Nikah, we didnt got time to take a bath and we completed our nikah like that only. Is my nikah valid or invalid? Should I have to do again nikah with her?

Important Note: The girl had zina with a person long time ago in her teenage years, in her past...and she repents it. After that I had married her. 

Invalid nikaah


1. A man says to a woman,’Did You marry Rahim?’ The woman replies,’Yes’ in front of many people. Does it mean they are married?

2. A man says to a woman, ’Are you marrying Rahim?’ The woman replies,’Yes’ in front of many people. Are Rahim and the woman married?

Second husband being a mahram for the wife's daughter

Q: I am getting married to a woman who already has a daughter, from a previous marriage. Would I be a Mahram for this girl, because Allah says:

وربائبكم اللاتي في حجوركم من نسائكم اللاتي دخلتم بهن فإن لم تكونوا دخلتم بهن فلا جناح عليكم

Would it be ok for me to travel with this girl?

Bride prevented from seeing in-laws house before marriage

Q: There is a tradition when the bride's parents go to the groom's house for discussion, they leave the bride at home. The groom, his parents, bride's parents, everyone are present in the discussion related to marriage, except the bride. The bride is not even allowed to see her in laws house before marriage.

I feel all these rules are made by the society to deprieve a woman of her rights. Since it is her marriage, the bride should be allowed to be present during the discussions, just like the boy. And she should be allowed to see her in laws house before marriage, as she will be spending her entire life there. I am getting married soon, so I just want to know if visiting the groom's house with parents and taking part in discussions, will not be against Islam.

Remaining unmarried

Q: A woman was once involved in many sexual sins like masturbation and pornography. But she understood the severity of these sins and left those sins and repented. Now she really doesnot fear to fall in those sins. If she doesnot get married ever will she be sinning.? She really doesnot want to get married ever. She will take necessary steps to stay away from haram. Will it be permissible for her to stay unmarried forever?

Rejecting the Sunnat of Nikaah

Q: There's a thing that is bothering me so much. A friend of mine hates marriage. Once there was a chart in my college that listed the sunnahs of Ambiya, one of them was nikah. She didn't believe that it was a sunnah, we told her that it was. Afterwards she jokingly said that she will cut this off the chart. Is this kufr? If this is indeed kufr and takes her out of the fold of Islam, she is going to be super offended and likely to throw a tantrum because nowadays people don't even know things that are kufr. How do I explain this to her?

Boy's father not attending the nikaah

Q: I am an Indonesian, married to a Sudanese (living in Madinah, KSA). We married in my parents' house (un listed in government), while all his family members and his mother knew that we were getting marriedm except his father. His father actually knew but he said himself that officially he din't know because he doesn't accept our marriage, because my husband is still studying. The problem now, my parents want us to make it in government soon and everything is just being controlled. While I really wish for his father to bless us for our marriage, what do I have to do?