
Female noun used to refer to Hazrat Adam (Alayhis Salaam) in the Qur'an

Q: Why did Allah Ta'ala use a Female Noun (Isim mu'annas) to refer to Adam (Alayhis Salaam) in the following verse (7:189);  "Huwa allathee khalaqakum min nafsin wahidatin wajaAAala minha zawjaha (It is He Who has created you from a single person, and (then) He has created from him his wife). why Allah used the word 'nafsin wahidah' , "minha" and "zaujaha" to refer to Adam.

Qiblah of the Jews

Q: In Surah Yunus ayat 87 when Musa (Alayhis Salaam) was told to turn the houses into a qiblah, which direction did they turn? What was the qiblah of the jews during the time of Musa (Alayhis Salaam)?