Etiquettes and respect for the Quraan

Showing respect to the Qur'an

Q: I want to ask one masla. There is a business of Qur'an majid decoration and Qur'an majid box in a room only and approximately there are 6 people who work in that room daily and many a times other guest and friends use to come in that room. I am also one of them friends who use to visit that room where they have business of Qur'an and work is being done of Qur'an. So the people who are working in that room are touching the Qur'an majeed daily. I don't know if they are in the state of whudu or not. I didn't ask them and sometime we use to sit there facing the Qur'an majeed to our back and sometimes mistakenly our feet faces the direction of the Qur'an. I have lots of time seen in that room people sometimes listen to songs not always but sometimes. Sometimes they also fight among themselves. I mean that there is no adab for Qur'an there because they say to me that this is our daily work and business. Here there is no condition to make adab like this. I just want to ask what are aadaab for that place where all Qur'an majid work is being done and we are surrounded by Qur'ans. What is haram to do and what are the aadaab of that room.