Etiquettes and respect for the Quraan

Holding the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: I have committed a grave sin what can I do now? I was in my office and one colleague asked me to pass her a Quraan from my desk. In order to not let anyone know I'm on my periods, in the blink of an eye I passed it to her with naked hands. I feel cursed now from within... What should I do now as I am afraid of Allah's wrath and anger?

Touching the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: Is it permissible to touch a mus'haf without performing ablution/wudhu? Or let's say is if permissible to study qur'an without wudhu? Because I am memorizing Qur'an and I always go to the comfort room, always pee so I find it hard to make a wudhu every after entering the comfort room. It is also very cold in my country especially in morning. But if it is impermissible or not permissible then I will have no choice but to make wudhu every time after entering the comfort room.

Shaking one's legs while sitting

Q: When I was young, I heard from the person who taught me how to read qur'an, that shaking your leg while sitting shouldnt be done. He said that its not haram but it shouldn't be done because satan does it. Now, everyone I know says they have never heard of this and I can't find anything online. My question is, is it true that you shouldn't shake your leg while sitting?