Fortune Telling

Fortune telling

Q: I am a high school student and I am applying abroad for undergraduate degree in engineering law. Today my father called a religious person in another city and my father asked him about my elder brother's future and then about me, that I applied abroad. He asked my father about my name and date of birth and then he told my father that I will go to Army or police in future.

So I wanted to know if I should apply abroad or not for engineering because if I have to go to to the army or police then what is the point or purpose of doing engineering or law? Also, can a person tell about someone else future ?

Knowledge of the unseen

Q: I am asking this question on behalf of a friend. He wants to know if there is any dua that can be read to find out if his wife is having an affair with her sisters husband. How can one see if they are still having sexual intercourse whenever she goes for holiday to her sisters house?

Predictions of astrologers

Q: I am 22 yrs old. I am in love with someone. I know this word doesn't have any meaning in our religion but I want to get married to him and my every salah includes this same dua. It is so happening these days that I came across 2 astrologers who predicted that I may not receive the life I wish. I completely do not want to believe in these things as I believe its all in the hands of Allah and its He who can do anything possible but these two incidents have disturbed be totally that I do not know what to do. 


Q: If I learn the knowledge of palmistry and then predic​t my future but don't believe in it, is it okay in Islam?