
Making dua to marry a particular public figure

Q: My question is I wanted to marry someone (her) and wanted some thing to recite for this because the woman who I want to marry do not even know me and we both are'nt having any kind of contact with each other  and it is almost impossible for me to tell her about. Can you please suggest some of the advice for the matter. I know that its a kind of inapropriate question but I didn't get any answer from anyone though. The main reason I am asking it, is the faith that I have with my Allah. Could it be possible somehow? (She is a high public figure)

Dua to be recited when leaving a gathering

Q: I have learnt the dua' said at the end of a gathering ("subhanakallahumma wa bihamdika ashhadu...") which compensates for vain talk etc in the gathering. My question is, can this dua also be said in the end of a telephone conversation? Since often much vain talk and possible backbiting etc goes on in telephone conversations. If so, is it OK if I say the dua after having closed the phone at the end of the conversation (rather than saying it whilst still in conversation) in order to not appear weird/strange (since the person I speak with might not understand)?