Taubah and Repentance

Refusing to forgive someone

Q: If a person wrongs another and is persistent in always hurting that person and now that person asks for forgiveness, but the other does not forgive them because they are very hurt, is the person who does not forgive sinful in anyway and will it be that now Allah will not forgive that person too?

Committing sins after tawbah

Q: Over the past few months I started learning alot about islam and alhamdulillah by Allah's guidance I avoided even the smallest of sins, and then suddenly I gave into my desires and commited a huge sin. Is there greater punishment for the sin of someone who normally has strong self control? I returned to even greater sins after repenting and I fear my attitude towards sins is changing. I fear I may fall into a life of sin. Please let me know if Allah punishes someone who does the same sin a second time after sincere repentance?

Repentance and tawbah

Q: I have commuted zina by accident I want to repent for my sin and also I want to ask Allah what I can do (pay a certain amount of charity, fast for a certain amount of time, etc.) to make sure my sin is forgiven. I also want to get married to this person who has asked for my hand in marriage without him finding out about my sin so I was wondering if there is any way I can communicate to Allah for helping me and guiding me through this marriage.


Q: A sister wants to know if she got caught out sleeping with another man few years back and she truly is sorry for this act. She has repented. How must she make amends so that Allah Ta'ala accepts her repentance? Must she make tawbah everyday? How must she make amends with her husband?

Making tawbah and crying over one's sins

Q: I am very sinful. Repeatedly I make tauba but I break it all the time by repeating my sins. My questions are as follows:

1. Should I stop doing good Amaal like coming out in Jamaat or sitting in the front saff of the Musjid?

2. When giving Bayaans in Jamaat, I feel hypocritical. Should I stop giving these bayaans?

3. Should I stop travelling to holy places because I am filthy with sins?

Tawbah and repentance

Q: I did zina today and I did it for the first time and I do accept my mistake and I prayed to Allah and asked for forgiveness but my heart is not calming down and I can't even forgive myself. I am just crying. I don't know but kindly help me about how I ask for forgiveness from Allah. Kindly help me. I am truly ashamed of myself.

Tawbah and repentance

Q: I am a student of Islamic university and I am on my hunt for a serious question. We discussed it with our fellows and class mates but could not find any solutions. The only thing we came up to is that person should die or his matter should be left to Allah. If a boy that is not baaligh has committed zina with his sister not knowing what he is doing he just done it (like he didn't know the punishment or exactly the relation with his sister) then when he grew up he realized what he has done and is ashamed and asks Allah for forgiveness, is their any way he could get free from his dirty sin that he has committed in his childhood? The boy has actually realized and the sin is killing him from inside. Is their any type of kafara or something in our religion that could be done by him to get freedom from his sin?