
Ethyl alcohol

Q: People consume wine which is ethyl alcohol but there are many complex compounds which end with ol but they are considered alcohol in physical chemistry? Is it permissible to use perfume contain alcohol related compounds ending with ol? Is it permissible to use soap or cleaning material contain alcohol related compounds ending with ol in the hospital as I work in a hospital as a medical consultant so I have to wash my hands after seeing each patient?

Using soaps, creams with alcohol


  1. Alcohol is used in most creams, soaps and perfumes. Are we allowed to use them? What is the ruling regarding the use if ethnol and synthetic ethnol?
  2. Can we then wear perfume to the mosque? Once sprayed the alcohol vanishes.
  3. In Hadith it says khamr that is made out of grapes and dates is haram. What about barley?

Doubting the Contents of Attars (Fragrances)

Q: I purchased here in the UK from a retailer two attars namely dehnal Oudh (mumtaz no.3) and musk-e-amber.  The packaging is from Afzal Fragrances. As I am not an expert, I have no reason to suspect that the attar has been manufactured or contains impermissible ingredients such as alcohol or animal products.  On this basis, and based on any information you may have on the said company, is it permissible to use these and their other attars as I am conscious about reading Salah, Qur'an etc whilst wearing something impermissible?