
Eating from that which one intended to give to a certain person

Q: My question is one night I prepared little macaroni. I ate from it and then I kept a little for my brother to eat in the morning because by that time my brother was asleep and he didn't know that I made macaroni, but the other day I had to fast so when I woke up for sehri I ate that very macaroni which I kept for my brother. Am I sinning this way? Will it become his haq after I decide to give him? will I have to ask maafi for not giving him? I am afraid whether I have eaten the haq of my brother.

Inviting family for supper on Aashura

Q: On a yearly basis, my husband and I invite my mom, brother and his family as well my children and our grand-children - normally we are 15. This year my husband and I extended the invite to his brothers and sisters. My question is, is it bida'h to host a dinner for family as well as give gifts to each one of them. Is there a problem that we wrapped up their gifts? Due to the number of people we had, we put up a marquee this time which we normally don't do. The reason for all these questions we were told that a certain member of our family commented it was bida'h and another said that we should consult with our local Ulama if we plan to host such a Aashura dinner and this saddened us. If this is not the way that we should go then it is our duty to seek forgiveness from Allah for our actions. We await a response from you.