
Is it compulsory to follow the advice of a doctor?

Q: My question is regarding recent time of crisis when some of my fellow Muslims deny the lockdown and go to masjid. I try to convince them but need a proper basis. Somewhere I read, that it is mentioned in hadees, that If a person goes against the saying of doctor and eats prohibited things by doctor/expert which result to his death, it will be considered as suicide. Is it true? If yes, where is it mentioned.

Taking herbs as medication

Q: I would like to know if taking herbs for health reasons from a herbs doctor (boil herbs in water, drink remaining after straining ) is permissible. It sometimes includes animal bones (dried condition). Is it ok to drink it after boiling in water together with other herbs?

Using a herbal remedy to give birth quickly

Q: Last year I gave birth and an African Muslim woman who I trust told me about a herbal remedy for speeding up the birth and dilating. She told me that she soaks maryam flower and drinks it like a tea 2 weeks before the due date. I did this and everything was okay. Allah Ta'ala granted me a quick natural birth.

This year I am going to give birth again but my sister in law sent me a post that she read about people saying that they use maryam flower for prosperity and wealth and so on. Basically, like witchcraft or something. I'm not sure now and I am scared to use it after reading this post.

I want to know if its okay for me to use it as a herbal remedy like I did the last time or should I stay away from it?