Clothing for Men

The importance of wearing a topi

Q: I had always been taught that the topi is the crown of a believer and part of the Sunnah attire. However, I was recently told by a close friend that the topi is not part of the Sunnah attire and has no basis in Deen. It was merely worn in the time of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) as a traditional dress. Is this true? Similarly, I would like to know whether the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) wore the topi at the time of Salaah.

Wearing one's kurta above the ankles

Q: My question is regarding the garment lengths (kurtha in specific). It's not a question of right or wrong because I am fully aware that anything below the ankles is impermissible. However, the longer kurtha's that are in stores such as Daffa and Aseel (these kurtha's are popular and peoples 1st choice in common), its hard to get the perfect size. I am not sure if its just me or everyone, but if you get a perfect length above your ankles, then the shoulders become tight and the sleeves are too short. The reason I buy aseel or daffa is a matter of preference style without showing off and boasting, just like how someone else in Pakistan would prefer the shawaal khamees or the short length kurtha's. So in my case mufti saab, what can I do and I know alternatives but then again going back to matter of preference and choice. When i'm standing yes I admit, I became aware that the Kurta length just about touched the floor, so I have another which is 2 sizes smaller which just about touches my shoe. To get it hemmed will take time (which I don't mind), but until I find a solution, must I not wear these kurtha's? Because my serious intention moving forward is to identify these finer details which seem small to they eye but the impact I know can be damaging to my Deen or any bodies who disregards such issues and labels them as small issues. Due to my laziness, I left this for too long.

Wearing a lungi

Q: (1) Is there a Sunnah or a preferred manner of tying the lungi? (2) Is it from among the Sunnats of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) to just wear a lungi and sleep i.e bare chested? (3) The lungis in some eastern countries, like Malaysia, Indonesia etc., are not a rectangular sheet, but instead, the long sides are sewn together to form a tube shape. Whereas the lungis in Yemen etc. are a single linear sheet. Please advise as to which type is better to wear.

Wearing a topi to work

Q: A friend of mine was told by his sheikh that it is ok if he does not wear his topi to work. I was going to tell him to ask what the wisdom behind that was. I know with all the stuff that is going on it could be a reason. But it does not sit well with me. The Yahood wear there hats. The Sikhs wear there turbnans. Why should us Muslims be afraid to be Muslims or shy away just for there work places. Please explain me the wisdom because I keep getting bad thoughts towards his sheikh. I stop them as best as I can. But it is just bothering me.