Animals & Pets

Euthanasia for dogs

Q: An elderly couple inherited two dogs from their son, due to some family situation. The couple are unable to maintain the dogs, such as feed them and take them out for the daily walk. By nature, this particular breed of dogs are considered very dangerous and aggressive. The couple have been unable to sell them or give them away, even to the SPCA. In this particular situation, is it permissible for a vet to euthanise (put down) the dogs. 

Euthanasia for animals

Q: A friend of a friend owns an elderly cat who is quite ill- heart trouble and kidney disease etc. Vets have told her not to waste money on medication but rather have the cat put down to put it out of its misery.  She wants to know if this is jaaiz. Very interesting question.  Basically is euthanasia allowed for animals?

Sterilizing or neuter pets

Q: A website visitor wants to know whether sterilizing or neuter pets (especially dogs & cats) is permissible. Also the permissibility of electronic chip implant for registration purposes.

In addition to the questions earlier, the person also wants to know if is permissible for her to euthanise a sick cat because of illness or unable to afford the vet's bill.

Castrating Cows

Q: One brother in Mozambique got some cows.  He wants to use male cows for transporting coconut in jungle.  At the moment he is using tractor and he is think to use male cows to save money on diesel. To use the male cows you have to castrate them ( that is remove the genitals ) so they are not inclined to female cows.  He wants to know whether it is permissible to this with the animal.