Animals & Pets

Cat food

Q: I wanted to find out if we allowed to feed the cats dry/wet cat food that has derivatives of poultry (not pork)

Dissecting a pig

Q: I have to dissect a pig for one of my classes in school and I will be in contact with the pig but I will have gloves on but will I need to take ghusal when I come home? Also I have that class in the morning meaning I have school after that for 5 more hours. Will my learning utensils and jacket become napaak since it is winter because I will have to use them after dissecting?

Keeping dogs

Q: I have a question regarding dogs, I know that keeping dogs is prohibited in Islam and that one can only keep a dog if they need it for herding cattle or hunting or guarding the house otherwise 2 qirats will be deducted daily and it is also a major sin, however I want to ask about the dog mentioned in Surah al Kahf and also how can we use dogs for hunting animals, won't the dog fetch the animal to his master by gripping from its mouth which contains saliva which is naajis. I also have read somewhere that you should clean any thing touched by a dog 7 times and the 8th time with soil, can we use soap to clean impurity or is soil to be used which opinion is correct. With regards to saliva of the dog I read on websites which say that imam Abu hanifa said that a dog's saliva is impure but their hair is clean provided it's not wet. Imam Malik said that both their hair and saliva is clean while imam Shafii differed the most saying that both their hair and saliva is unclean who is correct and what to follow. A question can one walk someone else's dog on a rope provided you do not touch the dog mouth and walk it without any cost and don't bring it inside the house is this okay. Finally I don't know but if you want to guard house using a dog can you keep him in the house provided that you don't pray or eat or sleep in that area.

Mosquito rackets

Q: There are some tools available in the market (of the shape of a racket or other types) that are used to kill mosquitoes. Some sort of potential difference/ short circuit type of phenomena takes place and the insect gets killed with a spark like sound. Is it permissible to kill an insect in this manner by giving it current?