Recitation and Listening to the Quraan

Playing the Quraan in the home with the intention of protection and bringing barakah in the home

Q: My question is with regards to the Qur'aan cube/speaker. Is it permissible to keep the Quraan playing in the home while cooking, doing mundane daily tasks and leaving the Quraan playing while being in another room? Is this disrespectful to the Quraan Shareef or can it be done with the intention of protection and bringing barakah in the home?

Convert making an effort to recite the Quraan in Arabic

Q: I am a Muslim convert. I converted to Islam 1 and half months ago Alhamdullilah.

I have a question about reading the Quran. I want to make it my habit. I would like to do it in a way that is the most beneficial for me. I don't know Arabic, I read an English translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab, so reading random surahs (as my friend recommended to me) doesn't work for me because I can't remember its content. It would be better for me to read it by topics, so I can focus on one topic at at a time and do notes, remember more.

Is there any particular order of topics I should follow? If not official, maybe then your personal? I'd like to go from things that are general, to laws and details etc. In my Quran there is an Index that I could use to look for exact ayas.

Reciting a Shaadh Qiraat

Q: Based on the following Hadith, how should we recite the third verse in Surah Layl?

عن علقمة قال: قدمت الشأم فصليت ركعتين ثم قلت: اللهم يسر لي جليسا صالحا فأتيت قوما فجلست إليهم فإذا شيخ قد جاء حتى جلس إلى جنبي قلت: من هذا؟ قالوا: أبو الدرداء فقلت: إني دعوت الله أن ييسر لي جليسا صالحا فيسرك لي قال: ممن أنت؟ قلت من أهل الكوفة قال: أوليس عندكم ابن أم عبد صاحب النعلين والوساد والمطهرة وفيكم الذي أجاره الله من الشيطان يعني على لسان نبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم أوليس فيكم صاحب سر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي لا يعلمه أحد غيره ثم قال: كيف يقرأ عبد الله: والليل إذا يغشى؟ فقرأت عليه: والليل إذا يغشى والنهار إذا تجلى والذكر والأنثى قال: والله لقد أقرأنيها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من فيه إلى في (صحيح البخاري، الرقم: 3742)