Recitation and Listening to the Quraan

Listening to the Quraan Majeed while studying

Q: I want to know if I can listen to the Quraan-e-Kareem via handsfree while studying or before sleeping as I live in a hostel and there used to be a lot of noise. Before that, I used to listen to music but now I know that music is haraam and the devil's Quraan. Therefore, I want to quit listening to music but please advise me if I can listen to the Quraan while studing and before sleeping via handsfree?

Listening to tilaawat on one's headphones when music is being played in a gym

Q: If music is being played somewhere and a person doesn't want to listen to the music and he plays tilawat in his headphones to avoid the sound of the music, is it a correct thing if he has no authority to stop that music?

I go to the gym and they play music there. So I listen to tilawat in a loud voice in my headphones to avoid the music. Is it a correct thing ?

Reciting Quraan while other passengers are listening to music when travelling

Q: I travel quite early to work and I travel with other people. I try to recite Quraan after fajr, that means I am travelling to work at that time. In my transport the people listen to music. I want to recite Quraan. Can I read even though there is music playing in the background? May Allah Ta'ala protect us.

Receiving the rewards of reciting Quraan if one cannot recite with tajweed

Q: Without knowing the recitation of Quran with tajweed, many people recite surahs that are mentioned in the hadeeth with great rewards (fazeelat) for example, surah Mulk, surah Kahf, surah Waqiah etc.Will they get the rewards as mentioned in the hadeeth or will they get sin? Secondly, should they recite these surahs mentioned in the hadeeth on regular basis.