Clothing for Women

Women wearing pants and shirt

Q: Does Islaam allow women to wear pants and shirt? If not, then can we wear it in front of our husbands? How about our blood-related sisters or female cousins? Also, are there any type of clothes wives can't wear in front of their husbands or can we wear all types of clothes?

Obedience to Allah Ta'ala supersedes obedience to others

Q: This has been eating me up slowly. I am a muslim lady 16 years old and I understand the Islamic injunction on modesty. I have read everything and I sincerely agree to it and I am not being forced to dress as I dress but currently my country has some education problem so my dad has made me go study abroad so I may finish my studies early and get married and also be able to help my religion in any way I can. Anyway the problem is that this country although a Muslim country has barely enough clothes and unfortunately I didn't bring past four pieces of clothes. Now I am forced to wear tight jeans trousers and small headscarfs. Although it doesn't seem like a problem but I am aware of the heads that turn when I pass not for anything because even in my country I also observed that but now it's worse and I think it's because of my dressing. Nevertheless I understand that it is a university and I should be used to that but I am afraid of the punishment of Allah (S.W.T) and sincerely who wouldn't want to enter the paradise in fact the prophet knowing my name still gives me great joy but how can I achieve that if I dress and my whole body is exposed and heads turn when I pass. Please help me. Would Allah forgive me? Would He punish me? Please I don't know when my time would come so I believe I have very little time. I really need answers because no religious man would look at me with such clothes on. please ask Allah for forgiveness on my behalf.