Greeting non-Muslims
1. Is it permissible to greet with words: good morning?
2. Is it permissible to greet with words Hello?
3. Is it permissible to greet with words sawubona or molo?
1. Is it permissible to greet with words: good morning?
2. Is it permissible to greet with words Hello?
3. Is it permissible to greet with words sawubona or molo?
Q: I work with non-Muslims so the following situations arise:
1. How should I greet them because if I do not greet them then they feel offended?
2. When they say seasons greetings or compliments of the season at December time, how should I reply?
Q: When a non muslim greets a muslim with salaam, how should he reply?
Q: I could not hear a person clearly on the phone and replied "Wa alaikumus salaam" to the "Hello"/"Good Afternoon" of a non-Muslim. I thought the person may have said "Assalamu Alaikum", but this is not possible. Am I sinful for this? Should I make Taubah and Istighfaar?
Q: A non muslim made salaam to my friend,when he didn't reply he (non muslim) asked is there a mention in Quran (Majeed) or hadeeth that a muslim can't reply to the slaam of a non muslim. What should be the answer?
Q: Please advise if it is wrong for us to greet non-Muslims with "As Salaamu Alaikum".