
Children watching videos in school

Q: I have a question regarding my little brother who is going into a Islamic School in Chicago. He is only 7 years old. In his Islamic school they show kids Islamic/non-Islamic videos of animate objects on the screens, sometimes for educational reasons and sometimes for fun. I know watching these things are not permissible but in his case what should one do to stop this evil? How should this matter be approached?

Also his school has qualified teachers that are teaching there from the Deobandi school of thought. When we can't change their mindset then due to him being only 7 years old, is it permissible to participate in these kind of things. Also we are left with no choice of putting him into any other Islamic school because the situation is much worse and the government wants every child to be in school. If the answers can be mentioned in detail that would be highly appreciated.

Leaving out things that one is unclear of

Q: Some one sends through WhatsApp messages saying chicken (in a Muslim country ) is not halal by forwarding some videos where we can actually see chicken getting processed by a machine. The authorities in the Muslim country are acknowledging that they are seeing it to that the things for the public are halal and not importing the haram chikcen and meat etc. One of my friends stopped eating chicken after seeing the WhatsApp.

My question is whom to believe? Do we have to believe the WhatsApp video or the authorities who are taking responsibility of halal produsts. If we believe WhatsApp then tomorrow other videos will declare meat as haram, please advise.

Organizations making videos of relief work

Q: What is the Shariah ruling on videos. It has become common practice for Ulema to lecture in video, as well as 'reputable' muslim NGO making videos of visits to foreign countries where they provide assistance. Recently a visit to Albania, the visit is on video of Ulema presenting food etc. to the impoverished of that country. Orphans are made to stand in front of cameras receiving aid.

Looking at videos

Q: I uploaded a video of Maulana Tariq Jameel Saheb in which he mentions the ancestry of Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وسلم up to Adam علیه السلام but a brother messaged that there is no Saheeh Sanad of the ancestry up to adam علیه السلام and ulama have prohibited to explain the Ancestry.

1) Kindly Guide me.

2) If there is any Saheeh Sanad then do let me know about that also.

Forwarding videos and filthy jokes on Whatsapp

Q: Whatsapp has become a part of our lives undoubtedly. I have recently been through my husbands phone and became distressed immensely upon finding filthy jokes and videos which he forwards to a friend.what troubles me even more is that they are ulama of deen which we respect. Please give advise on the following How do we use it correctly? What is the status of these so called ulama groups. Do I have any reason to be upset or not?

Eating snakes and killing chicken with one's teeth

Q: I have come across a video that is taken from a TV show in Pakistan showing pakistani army members eating snakes and killing chicken with their teeth and drinking its blood and not saying Allah's name while killing. They do all this while safe in their bases where they have all the halaal food available and the means to slaughter the animals is also available. But they are doing this as an exercise for survival if they are lost in a jungle or behind enemy lines. I want to have an Islamic point of view regarding this practice. Is it halaal or haram. Many Muslims who join the army are made to eat many haram animals during their training. Is this all justified by the "necessity" of training the troops?

Producing videos

Q: One of my friends gave me a pirated software to edit my youtube videos which are PG and send good examples and make people laugh. I got a lot of people and a big audience who are subscribed and liked my videos and tend to support me and watch more. But I did all of this using two pirated software that are really expensive. My family can afford it but don't want to waste their money. I said Wallahi when I grow up I will pay for the software with my future job. So should I stop getting fame and audience or is this all haram because of the software I use to make my videos. Youtube wanted to pay but I said no until I can buy the software. Their are millions of places on the Internet you can get this software for free. Well to be honest I am not the one giving it for free I am just a receiver. The one who made it for free he gave it to me so I don't think it is haram if I use it.

Photos and Videos

Q: I have a few questions regarding photos and videos. Is taking pictures and videoing allowed in Islam? By pictures and videos I mean normal pictures and videos by phone or camera. Pictures and videos in special events such as wedding, party etc or in a normal day? If it is not allowed, will we be punished for doing it? If I die and I have my videos or pictures in this world, will I be forgiven or punished? Also can I perform namaz in a room or place where there are framed pictures of my family or myself? Will my namaaz be accepted if I pray in such a place? Can I perform namaz in a place where there are pictures behind me not where I am facing?