pictures of animate objects

Selling health books that contain pictures of animate objects

Q: I want to sell physical health eBooks that may contain images of humans for the purposes of demonstration. E.g. a fitness eBook demontrating how to perform an exercise or movement. The intention is that buyers will be purchasing the eBook for the information and content and not for the images. What is the ruling on this (both male and female images, would awrah need to be covered as this is solely for demonstrational/educational purposes?) and will income gained from this be halal? If this is not permissible, could you give me guidance on other methods I can use to demonstrate things such as exercises/stretches with visuals etc.

Parindo ki tasweer banaana

س: مولانا صحاب پوچھنا یہ ہے کے پرندوں کی تصویریں بنانا اس میں کوئی گناہ تو نہیں ہے نا مطلب کوئی طوطا یا کوئی مور پتخ مرگ چڑیا ... ایسے پرندوں کی تصویریں بنانا اس میں کوئی گناہ تو نہیں ہے ... اور یہ پرندے بناکر اپنے گھر میں لگانا کوئی گناہ تو نہیں ہے براہے کرم حدیث کی روشنی میں کوئی جواب دیں ..

Designing 'reborn dolls'

Q: I am a fairly new Muslim and I'd like a little bit of help on something. I have a hobby called, ' reborn dolls' heres a bit of information about the ' reborn dolls':

Reborn doll. A reborn doll is a manufactured skin doll that has been transformed by an artist to resemble a human infant with as much realism as possible. The process of creating a reborn doll is referred to as reborning and the doll artists are referred to as reborners. Women, intend to use 'reborn dolls' of a way to get rid of anxiety or stress or struggle with child loss. Or to prepare for an actual real baby!

I've even heard colleges use these to prepare nurses and etc how to deal with babies? Is this hobby Haram? Could you give me advice on what I should do? 

Drawing cartoons

Q: I want to ask you that is it really haraam to draw anime (Japenese Style Cartoon)? I have only one skill and that is drawing/sketching. I'm really worried about It. Everybody says your Drawing/Sketching is so good. Keep it up. Draw more but I'm confused. What should I do? Please help me.