Authentic & Unauthentic Islamic Books

Authenticity of the kitaab "Fayzaan-e-Rahmat"

Q: My query is with regards to the authenticity and reliability of a kitaab - it's content, author and publishers. The name of the kitaab is "Fayzaan-e-Rahmat - Abundance of Mercy - A collection of Du'as for different occasions" by Maulana Muhammad Abdullah Darkwasti and jointly published by Zam Zam Publishers and Madrasah Arabia Islamia.

All the duaas are prescribed from Qur'aan and Hadith. Some of the prescribed wazifahs include Surah Yaaseen and it's seven mubeens/Shaykh Husain Ahmad Madani's nafl salaat prescription/other wazifahs of qadriyyah silsilah among many others. Can I undoubtedly and with full yaqeen supplicate to Allah Ta'ala through the means of these prescribed wazifahs?

Book on heaven and hell

Q: May I have a detailed account of the following from Quran and Ahadith (all ahadith and ayaat which say anything regarding them):

1. The horrors of Hell

2. The pleasures in Heaven.

If there is a book regarding these, may I also know the names?

Books regarding Seerat of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum)

Q: Somehow, I got interested in reading other books related to Islamic History besides reading my Daily Quran and Hadeeth. I got know about Khilafat O Malokiyat by Molana Modudi Sb., and I read that book. It was a very nice book. Somebody recommended reading "Al Raheeq ul Maktoom". I have read it too. Again, it was a realy nice book.

I want to read some more authentic books on Seerat of our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), and Sahaba Kiram (radhiyallahu anhum), and Umahatul Momineen, and also Islamic History, which are being linked to Quran and Hadees. Could you please recomend me some books (names of books with author)?

Reading books of a doubtful nature

Q: I would like to know about Nawaqid al Islam by Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab. I have asked around at bookstores asking about it but no one has heard of it. I read it is about shirk and nullifiers so I would of like to read it but I cant understand if it is reputable to read? Is it something that is debatable? Can you please shed some light on the above mentioned book?