Authentic & Unauthentic Islamic Books

الكتاب فتوح الشام

س: هل تصح نسبة الكتاب فتوح الشام المتداول بين الناس والتي هي مطبوعة الى الامام الواقدي؟ كثير من المحققين ينكرون هذا. فما رأي علماءنا؟ رأيت هذا التتحقيق على انترنيت. الرجاء منكم ان توضحوا هذه المسءلة المهمة. جزاكم الله خيرا لخدمتكم.

I store my kitaabs in the following order. Is it correct?

Q: Below are the Kitaabs that I make common use of. The list below is in the order in which I store them - one on top of the other.

Mufti Saheb, please advise if the order is fine owing to their respective importance.

From top to bottom:

  1. Surah Ya-Sin Kitaab.
  2. First five para’s of the Qur’an Shareef.
  3. “Essential Duas In The Life Of A Muslim.”
  4. “Duas for the contentment of the heart.”
  5. “Taleemul Haq”

The book Shamsul maarif

Q: I saw a video on youtube when searching for info about the book ''shams ul maarif''. I think the person in the video claims that he is moving bottles with the help of the instructions from the book of shams ul maarif with a jinn? What do the ulama say about this book? I saw that there is a fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Jibrin about this book.