Muharram & Aashuraa

Significance of Aashura

Q: Some people believe that Muharram is a time for mourning over the assassination of Hazrat Husain (radhiyallahu anhu), and some people believe that Muharram is a time for celebrating and spending lavishly on their family. Are there Ahadeeth supporting any of these beliefs? What really should be done for Aashura?

Spending on one's family on the 10th of Muharram

Q: In the Hadith theres is mention to the nearest meaning a person who spends on one's family on the 10th Muharram he will get blessings in sustenance for the whole year. My question is 10th Muharram is on Thursday, is it okay to spend on the family on Wednesday evening to get the virtue and blessings of spending on ones family, because 10th Muharram starts after maghrib on Wednesday till maghrib on Thursday?