Pictures of animate objects
Q: Is it permissible to take pictures of any part of an animate object besides the face?
Q: Is it permissible to take pictures of any part of an animate object besides the face?
Q: I have question regarding faces. Are you allowed to see faces for learning purposes such as encyclopedia books and the books they teach in public schools?
Q: An online job involves classifying various images into appropriate product categories. One is presented an image and has to select the appropriate category. For example, an image of an iPhone is shown and one has to select the 'Electronics - Mobile Phones' category. Images for haraam items to classify also appear, such as TVs, video game consoles, alcohol, musical instruments, etc. Furthermore, animate images do often appear with the product for classification; one has to look at the animate image in order to classify the product. For example, the image of an attractive woman wearing a gold necklace (where the necklace must be classified). Or classifying a Milo tin that has an animate image on the packaging. One is paid a predetermined amount for each image classified. Please advise:
1. Is this classification of animate images permissible?
2. Is this classification of haraam products permissible?
3. Is any income haraam and Waajibut Tasadduq?
1. I wanted to ask whether it is sinful to look at photographs? Or can we can look at photos of our mahrams?
2. We are not allowed to look at non mahrams. Does it mean that we cannot look at him even at a glance for once? For eg. We need to see for once, so as to know who is our brother in law, or neighbour, uncle i.e. just for recoginition purposes.
Q: Kia aurat (lady) aurat ki mobile pr pic dekh sakti hai .i.e. friend ko friend ny WhatsApp pr jesy apni pics send ki.
Q: I want to ask that is printing images on mugs, tshirts and wooden frames allowed? I am running a business of it. Printing images on paper is allowed in Islam or not?
Q: Is it haram to use a cartoon style character like angry bird or lego character to brand a business for example a cartoon cat holding cat food will that be considered haram as I heard image making is haram and animating them to life please need a answer.
1. Are silhouettes of people (pictures of peopled in black, without the face having nose, eyes, etc.) considered tasaweer and haraam?
2. Similarly, are emoticons that are made up of symbols like =, (), :, etc. as compared to emoticons that are obviously tasaweer also considered haraam?
Q: Is it permissible to play racing games, shooting games and other similar games on the computer, playstation, phone, etc? These games can be quite expensive, and due to their addictive nature, they consume a lot of time.
Q: Is it permissible to have a picture taken for a squash club if they need it for security purposes and will not be printed, after it has been mentioned to the club that it goes against a person's religious beliefs?