Halaal Food & Drinks

Chinese herbs

Q: I was wondering what should one do if someone is trying to buy a specific Chinese herb for betterment of health but almost all Chinese companies promote Taoism and Chinese way of thought. Is it ok to buy from them with the correct intention, or is it not permissible due to the fact that you are giving them the means to continue their dawah?

TV and pictures of animate objects

Q: If somebody tries to make me watch TV or show me a picture on their phone then what would be a wise response I could memorize?

"Many readers may not be aware that some ingredients of fizzy drinks such as Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola and others have been dissolved in alcohol." Dr Muhammad ‘Ali al-Baarr says in his book al-Khamr bayna at-Tibb wa’l-Fiqh so is it out of taqwa these drinks are avoided? or are they permissible? Please explain how they become taahir if alcohol is used in case I need to explain to others.

Consuming Halaal

Q: I am working away from home and staying in camp accommodation. I asked and confirmed from the manager of the mess about the meat. He said everything is halal.This camp is in Australia. Am I allowed to eat the meat?

Royal Jelly

Q: Royal Jelly, Bee Propolis, Bee Pollen.

السلام عليكم. لا أدري كيف الترجمة الصحيحة لهذه الأشياء...و سؤالي: هل يجوز للمسلم أن يشرب (أو يأكل) هذه الأشياء لزيادة القوة و الصحة؟

Darjeeling tea

Q: Is it permissible to drink Darjeeling tea looking at it's history that the person who first planted it in India had stolen the seeds from China and then he planted it in India?

Sea creatures

Q: Allah Says in The Qur'an that all creatures of the sea are lawful. But, there is a general belief among Indian Muslims that we Muslims cannot eat sharks, crabs, eels, barracuda, octopus, squid and lobsters etc. among sea creatures. Please clarify whether we can eat all creatures of the sea. Are there any exceptions?